Phil Beckley, PhD, Atrial

Genesis Healthcare System

636168935941074914-ZANBrd-05-19-2016-TimesRecorder-1-A001--2016-05-18-IMG-HAGGENJOS-Jeff-jpeg-1-1-50EDQK75-L813789487-IMG-HAGGENJOS-Jeff-jpeg-1-1-50EDQK75.jpgNEW LEXINGTON - New Lexington doctor Dr. Jeffrey Haggenjos filed case Thursday in Perry County Common Pleas legal against Genesis medical program, alleging Genesis violated the terms of Haggenjos' work contract as he ended up being fired last year.

Into the lawsuit, Haggenjos is asking for $25, 000 in problems.

Haggenjos began working for Genesis on March 1, 2009, after he offered the building that housed his personal training in New Lexington to Genesis. Haggenjos practiced in brand new Lexington for 35 many years. His work with Genesis finished Sept. 1, 2015.

His attorney, Brent Stubbins, of Zanesville, filed a petition in Perry County legal seeking information regarding Haggenjos' employment cancellation, as Haggenjos stated he never received a written explanation for why his agreement ended up being terminated.

Since he was fired, Haggenjos features experienced severe emotional stress, humiliation, anguish, mental and real injuries and economic reduction, in line with the suit. Through its conduct, the suit says, Genesis meant to persecute Haggenjos, embarrass him, destroy his reputation, shut down their medical rehearse and give a wide berth to him from obtaining future professional employment.

Neither Stubbins nor Genesis would touch upon pending litigation.

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