St Francis Healthcare System

St. Francis Healthcare System

hospice.03Hold a hand. Make use of some type of computer. Address envelopes. Bake a cake. Ring up a-sale. Deliver health supplies. Make telephone calls. Plant a garden. Preparing meals. Offer companionship. Pay attention to cherished thoughts. Pat a shoulder. Touch a heart.

Wherever you determine to volunteer at St. Francis Healthcare program of Hawaii, there’s a location for you personally. Whether you wish to work straight with clients and families or perhaps in another part, you could make a positive change in someone’s life. Each program possesses its own positioning and education necessity.

There are numerous ways you can really make a difference in lifetime of another. We have been sure that no matter which area you decide on, you may enjoy becoming an integral part of St. Francis Healthcare System of Hawaii’s family of volunteers. Volunteer options are because specific when you are, and now we welcome volunteers from all parts of society. Every share by a volunteer supports our goal to generate healthier communities into the Spirit of Christ’s recovery ministry.


  • Perfect a Volunteer Application.
  • Meet the specific needs associated with project to be filled.
  • Have a current TB Clearance (2 action or Chest X-Ray).
  • Be available to volunteer at the very least two hours per week for an excessive period of the time.
  • Be at least 16 years; younger individuals could be thought to be appropriate sufficient reason for written parental permission.
  • Perfect Volunteer Training and Orientation. Click the link for the
  • Successfully complete Research and Criminal Record Checks.
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