How to maintain health during times of stress?

A modern person experiences the same stress on weekdays as on a dark street. As a result, the nervous system is depleted, arrhythmia occurs, atherosclerosis of the vessels develops, metabolic changes appear in the myocardium.

Of course, we need good nutrition and drugs. Since the violation of the metabolism of vitamins and microelements is also stress provocateurs. And above all, our heart needs potassium and magnesium.

Supplements Duolife are used as an additional source of food and biologically active substances, to optimize carbohydrate, fat, protein, vitamin and other types of metabolism in various functional states, to normalize and (or) improve the functional state of organs and systems of the human body, including products, providing a fortifying, mild diuretic, tonic, sedative and other types of action in various functional states, to reduce the risk of diseases, as well as to normalize the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, as enterosorbents.

Food photo created by wirestock -

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